Free Shipping for Members Only apply code : Freeship

Orders placed with a standard shipping method will take 2-3 business day to process. If you selected an expedited shipping method, the processing time is 1-2 business days.
You will receive a shipping confirmation email once the order has shipped from our warehouse. It will contain information to track your order. You can also check your order status by clicking here. Please keep in mind that Delivery Timeframe begins calculating once order has shipped from the warehouse.
Unfortunately, we are unable to modify or cancel an order once it has been placed.
Orders or parts of an order may be cancelled by our system for various reasons. Possible reasons include: - We are unable to ship to the address provided, - Your item has become unavailable at the time of packing - Difficulty processing your payment information. If your order/ item(s) are cancelled, you will receive notice via email. Please keep in mind that you will not be billed for any cancelled item(s)/ order.
We accept return goods within 7 days after purchase which the goods must be comply with our return policy(tag still attached, Never been used, and unwashed) or damage goods. You need to show the receipt for the return. We will not accept return in some case e.g. clearance goods, misuse items.
After you submitted the request return form. We will take 10-14 business days to process your return and refund back to the original form of payment.

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